Salve Regina will raise funds at their game this Saturday.

Seahawks to play for EC awareness

NEWPORT, R.I. - Salve Regina University field hockey will be raising awareness and funds to fight esophageal cancer this Saturday, October 8, during its game versus Western New England at 12 p.m.

Former Seahawk and 2020 graduate,Hannah Filiault recently lost her father, Andrew, to this disease and he was a proud supporter of the field hockey program program during Hannah's career. Donations collected at half time will be given to EC Aware, an organization that is driven to increase public awareness and provides outreach to patients, caregivers and survivors.

"For the second season in a row our team has chosen to bring attention to this disease," said head coach Jennifer Foster. "Hannah and her family were an important part of our team for four years and so this cause has a special meaning to us. We hope our fans both at the game and at home can help support our team's efforts."

Fans who are unable to attend game or prefer to donate online directly can go to: